List of participants

Second isicad Forum
PLM+ERP: Informational Environment of Modern Enterprise
Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, Russia
29 May - 2 June
:: Organized by LEDAS Ltd ::
:: Supported by SibCongress ::
:: Supported by Sib3 ::
isicad-2006: PLM+ERP

Who is who :: Glossary :: Articles :: News :: Manufacturers ::

Aims and Scope :: Topics :: Participants :: Sessions :: Organizers :: Program Committee :: Seminars of PLM and ERP solution providers :: Exhibition :: Fee :: Forum Proceedings :: Submissions :: Important dates :: Location :: Cultural program ::

isicad-2004 :: photo gallery

Seminars of PLM and ERP solution providers

Seminars of PLM and ERP solution providers

Expected participation in isicad-2006 of a lot of Siberian industrial enterprises gives to providers additional opportunities for attracting new customers. Companies will be given possibility to organize special seminars in order to present their solutions in more details and establish closer contacts with potential customers.

For the interested companies the isicad-2006 organizers offer intermediary services (free of charge) in room renting, advertising, etc.

Cost of renting rooms for the seminars ranges between 500 rubles (a conference hall of an institute) to 3000 rubles (the conference hall of the House of Scientists) per hour.